Respect the Autumn

Rip rap rippity roo to you! We’re happy to report that the August/September tour was a smashing success. Chris Wicks joined us on alto saxophone for the tour while Josh enjoyed his well-deserved honeymoon! We had a great time playing on Blue Lake Public Radio, and the performance was recorded very nicely. Expect to find portions of that recording up here sometime in the not-too-distant future. In the meanwhile, you can listen to our show at Space vs Time in Grand Rapids (thanks, Corey!) by checking out James’ page. Particularly recommended listening is “Beer.” The tour concluded with a rousing performance with both Josh and Chris at Cornelia Street Cafe here in New York.

This Saturday, October 21, we’ll be performing at the Center for Improvisational Music in Brooklyn, starting at 8:30pm.

Also coming up, on Monday, November 27, we’ll play at the Lucky Cat in Williamsburg.

Finally, we’re touring the northeast in December, and we’ll be busting out some really fun material featuring the works of some extra-terrestrial composers in preparation for a January recording. Full tour dates will be added soon, as will more information on this very special project which will bring together two worlds in inimitable Respect fashion. Monback!

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